
An important part of the Responsible Care program is environmental, health, safety and security (EHS&S) performance monitoring and reporting.   

Pilot Chemical is required to publicly report, through Responsible Care, specific performance measurements in the following areas: 

  • Environmental metrics, including hazardous air pollutants released, SOx and NOx emissions and net water consumption.
  • Energy metrics, including greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency.
  • Safety metrics, including number of process safety incidents, DOT-reportable distribution incidents, OHSA recordable lost workday incidence and fatalities.
  • Accountability metrics, including community outreach and emergency response initiatives.

Some of the metrics are reported by company and some will be aggregated across the chemical industry. Public reporting is meant to enhance transparency to our stakeholders – including facility communities, employees, business partners and the general public as well as to drive increased performance and accountability. Based on the resulting metrics, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are set annually in order to drive continuous EHS&S performance.